Financial Plan

We are setup to pivot in an agile way between an organic growth structure explained in the implementation plan below, and the possibility of gaining funding through various channels to infuse the process.

Essentially, without a sponsoring partner or venture capital (VC) , our plan would be to create ‘pilot’ projects with initial clients by which the cost to the client would be reduced to account for the calibration of the pilot project in-situ.

The injection of VC or the acquisition of larger project sponsors would enable us to construct 2-3 pilot projects across various climates and ecosystems and calibrate the systems for a time to perfect the design before taking it to market. These partnerships will enable us to study the product and troubleshoot any surprises before scaling up.

The Rodeo area provides easy access to a variety of ecosystems, low rent and property costs, and in addition provides key potential partnerships that we will be developing with the Chiricauhua Museum, and the Southwestern Research Station for the American Museum of Natural History in Cave Creek Canyon (Chiricauhuas) who currently have a constructed wetlands treating their wastewater currently and might be open to this idea as a first-stage water waste treatment to supplement the wetlands. In addition the US Border Patrol has many outposts and settlements which are in close proximity to Rodeo, NM / Portal, AZ.

We intend to develop these opportunities and partnerships early on in the development of the pilot prototypes, and are also prepared for a less sponsored entry as the keystone product in this market.

Implementation Plan: without early Sponsoring Partners or VC


Phase 0: current – Early Spring 2021

Continue the assembly of marketing and design materials, training materials, parts lists, and vendor lists together and create a functional website that will also aid in the administration of our clients. Secure addition VC monies or partners and advisers.

Phase 1: Spring / Early Summer 2021

Seek VC, and local partners in Rodeo and the Chiricauhuas (two destinct ecosystems and climates in relatively close proximity) for the construction of pilot systems.

We have already been approached with interest from a variety of people who are willing to provide materials, a percentage of labor costs, and infrastructural resources for use and for research and development.

Phase 2: Late Summer / Early Fall 2022

Our first “commercial” pilot installation in either home sites or in a commercial tourist-oriented center near the Chiricauhua Mountains.

Phase 3: Late Fall / Winter 2022

Begin in earnest a wider marketing campaign that includes material evidence from the pilot projects and our first client.

Implementation Plan: with Sponsoring Partnerships / VC


Phase 0: current – Early Spring 2021

Continue the assembly of marketing and design materials, training materials, parts lists, and vendor lists together and create a functional website that will also aid in the administration of our clients. Secure addition VC monies and partners and advisers.

Phase 1: Early Summer 2021

Once VC partners are onboard, begin a 2-year pilot study with 2-3 projects in distinct ecosystems and climates, and perfect these systems at different scales and climates.

Work with local and national policy groups to have solutions for different political and policy environments.

Continue to develop marketing strategies for different sectors and develop a full marketing campaigns and materials for them.

Secure supply chains, and build business infrastructure.

Develop relationships with local Departments of Labor for NM and AZ for agile up-scaling of production if the need arises.

Create various feedback mechanisms and strategies for incorporating feedback.

Establish Keystone in Market.

Secure relevant patents.

Phase 2: Spring 2023

Go to Market.

Phase 3: Spring 2024

Deliver full report of first year lessons and create implementation strategies to solve for them as they arise.